My Mind & Body Collective

A collaborative community of connection and shared growth.

My Mind & Body Collective

A collaborative approach to healing

Our community is a collaboration of members and practitioners growing and healing together.

Allow yourself to find support as you let go of the things that weigh you down in everyday life and drop into a feeling of PEACE.

Our Mission

My Mind & Body Collective is a place where you can truly feel PEACE. We provide support, guidance, and resources to help you feel harmony throughout your body, mind, and soul.

Your Collaborators Membership Includes.

  • Up to 30 hours Studio Use.*

  • Fully Furnished Healing Spaces.

  • 1:1 Session Spaces.

  • Group Session Spaces.

  • Full Soul Awakening Membership Access to Studio Classes and Events.

Studio Time:

Your studio time includes all the time you are at the studio. You can use it for individual and group sessions, for your own personal meditation time, even for a quiet place to work on your business.

*group spaces count for double time, 1 hour of group space takes 2 hours off your total.

Group Healing Spaces

We have 2 group healing spaces accommodating up to 30 people (laying down).

1:1 Healing Spaces

We have 4 offices available to be scheduled out by you for your 1:1 Healing sessions. Each space has 2 chairs and a massage table available for your use.

Fully Furnished and Decorated

Each space is fully furnished and decorated.

Studio Membership:

Free with your Collaborators Membership

$70 Value

Need More Time?

Upgrade to a 60 Hours Membership

  • Up to 60 hours Studio Use.*

  • Fully Furnished Healing Spaces.

  • 1:1 Session Spaces.

  • Group Session Spaces.

  • Full Soul Awakening Membership Access to Studio Classes and Events.

  • 6 Month Min Commitment.

Studio Time:

Your studio time includes all the time you are at the studio. You can use it for individual and group sessions, for your own personal meditation time, even for a quiet place to work on your business.

*group spaces count for double time, 1 hour of group space takes 2 hours off your total.

Group Healing Spaces

We have 2 group healing spaces accommodating up to 30 people (laying down).

1:1 Healing Spaces

We have 4 offices available to be scheduled out by you for your 1:1 Healing sessions. Each space has 2 chairs and a massage table available for your use.

Fully Furnished and Decorated

Each space is fully furnished and decorated.

Studio Membership:

Free with your Collaborators Membership

$70 Value

Want to teach a class?

Our teachers are an integral part of our community at My Mind & Body Collective.


We warmly welcome our teachers to begin their journey as valued members of our community. This heartfelt approach allows our members to build meaningful connections with you, fostering excitement and anticipation to eagerly join your class.

90 Day Integration:

Step 1: Join My Mind & Body Collective Membership. Attend classes, meet and introduce yourself to our members and get to know our current teachers.

Step 2: During your second period of membership we will hold an invitation only class where we will evaluate your class and if you are ready to be added to our schedule.

Step 3: In the last 30 days of your integration period we will put your class on our schedule as a limited run. During this time you will be heavily involved in building up attendance for your class. At the end of your limited run we will reevaluate your class for addition to our permanent schedule.

Studio Membership:

Once your class is on our permanent schedule your Soul Awakening Membership will be our gift to you as long as you are with us.

$70 Value