Embrace Freedom & Peace

Connect Through the Elements of the Heart

About Me

Just the same as you have not always been the person that you are today. My journey has been filled with big and little challenges that have made me who I am. The two most important parts of my journey have been meditation & learning the rhythms of the elements! Learning to take time to listen to my own body and connect with my soul has changed my life in so many ways.

I have thought a lot about what I am supposed to teach the world. For now, I feel like it’s my place to remind humanity that it’s actually the world that teaches us. If we slow down long enough to listen, watch, and hear. The world is full of teachers, the greatest one is our own bodies.

The body teaches us so much! The trick is to STOP and listen! This is harder than it looks because we have so much telling us to hurry on to the next thing. So here I am just holding space and showing whoever is interested how to slow down and hear what the world and our bodies have to say!

Water: Wisdom and Flow

Water represents wisdom, intuition, and the flow of emotions. In the realm of relationships, the Water element encourages deep understanding and empathy. It helps us to navigate the ebb and flow of emotions, to listen with compassion, and to connect on a profound level. By embracing the Water element, we cultivate relationships that are intuitive, supportive, and fluid.

Wood: Growth and Adaptability

The Wood element represents growth, flexibility, and resilience. Just as trees bend and sway with the wind, embracing the Wood element in our relationships encourages us to adapt to changes and challenges. It fosters the ability to grow together, to support each other's ambitions, and to navigate conflicts with a spirit of cooperation and innovation.

Fire: Passion and Communication

Fire symbolizes passion, warmth, and dynamic energy. In relationships, the Fire element ignites enthusiasm and fosters open communication. It encourages us to express our emotions, share our dreams, and connect deeply with others. By embracing the Fire element, we bring vitality and joy into our interactions, creating bonds that are vibrant and meaningful.

Earth: Stability and Nurturance

The Earth element embodies stability, grounding, and nurturing. It represents the foundation upon which strong relationships are built. Earth encourages us to be dependable and supportive, to offer a listening ear and a caring heart. By cultivating the Earth element, we create a sense of security and trust, fostering relationships that are nurturing and enduring.

Metal: Clarity and Precision

Metal signifies clarity, structure, and discernment. In relationships, the Metal element helps us to communicate with precision and honesty. It encourages us to set healthy boundaries and to approach interactions with fairness and integrity. Embracing the Metal element allows us to create relationships that are clear, respectful, and balanced.

The path of relationships

In the journey of relationships, we often find ourselves in the initial phase of survival, marked by dynamics of rejection and control, where fear and defensiveness dominate.

This phase can lead to pain and disconnection as we protect ourselves and test boundaries. However, through the wisdom of the five elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—we can transition to a peaceful and free space of surrender, where trust is built and deepened.

By embracing growth, passion, stability, clarity, and empathy, we move beyond survival, fostering relationships that thrive on mutual support, open communication, and genuine connection. Understanding these elements helps us navigate the complexities of relationships, transforming them into harmonious and fulfilling bonds.

What is stopping you?

The fear of rejection is a deeply rooted emotion that can hold people back in various aspects of their lives. It can lead to missed opportunities in both personal and professional realms, as individuals often hesitate to put themselves out there for fear of being judged or dismissed. In personal relationships, this fear can be particularly debilitating.

It can hinder the ability to form deep connections and intimate bonds, as individuals may struggle to open up emotionally or fear getting hurt. This fear can create a sense of isolation and hinder personal growth, preventing individuals from fully expressing themselves and pursuing their goals. Overcoming this fear is crucial to unlocking one's potential and leading a more fulfilling life.

Reclaim your strength, reconnect with yourself, and rediscover the joy of living without the constant grip of anxiety. This sharecast is my safespace to share with you my personal thoughts & parts of my journey to FIND PEACE & LOVE!

Are you holding back?

Are you struggling to express yourself freely in your relationships? Burdened by guilt and shame for taking care of your own needs? Are you trapped in a cycle of resentment and struggle, both with yourself and those around you? Mother Earth and all the living things on it can teach us so much about ourselves! When we accept that her energy is moving through us, we can learn to use it. Her seasons can guide us along our paths! REWILDING or RECONNECTING to the purest parts of ourselves and the worlds around us is the center of everything that we do.

The journey of the elements guides us from the pain of survival and control to the peace of surrender and trust in our relationships. By embracing the wisdom of the five elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—we can transition from the burdens of rejection and control to a harmonious space of surrender and trust. Mother Earth is the greatest teacher in learning how to live in harmony as one. When we learn to use the power of her elements, they can guide us in living harmoniously with each other. Each element offers unique insights and strengths, helping us navigate the complexities of our relationships with grace and balance, fostering bonds that are free, peaceful, and deeply fulfilling.

Unsure of where to begin?

- Jasmine